Thursday, November 20, 2008

Play Time

I want this Topshop playsuit, badly. And the ones from Topshop actually fit me, so it's even more painful that I have no money at the moment.
The print of this playsuit makes it perfect for all seasons.-sigh-
I love this one too, it makes want to dress up as Betty Boop.

Launch 2

Since failing with my last "travel blog" and due to having no job right now, I shall begin blogging. I will try to actually post things more than once a year; so here it goes! I have a bit of an issue with paying attention to anything long enough to learn it well, so this will be my practice in focus.

After obsessing over some great fashion blogs--that I had no idea existed a couple months ago (I am a little behind on the times)--like,,, among others; I decided to make a blog of my own just to rant and rave and hope someone will agree with me and think I am a genius.

Doo, doo, doo.

Yesterday I watched a German movie called Das Wilde Leben ("The Wild Life")--which was changed to Eight Miles High for American audiences--about gorgeous German model Uschi Obermaier. Uschi was apparently Mick Jagger and Keith Richards' lover (and who wasn't?!) in the late 60s and early 70s. She ran away from home and joined Kommune 1 in Berlin in 1968 and became the lover of a (bullshit) intellectual with some crazy hair. He screwed all the girls in the commune, so Uschi left him for The Stones...then she married a wackadoodle German adventurer/pimp who died in a motorcycle crash in Mexico in the 80s. Now she lives in Topanga Canyon designing jewelry.
That was basically the movie, but with pretty scenery, lots of hot nudity and sex, and some it was pretty good.